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Posted by: BUG$
07.01.2006 20:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to the first update of the Forgotten Hope Mod for the year 2006. We know it has been a bit quiet around Forgotten Hope in the last weeks - due to real life issues (work, illness etc.) and vacation time, we just couldn't make it. We apologize for that, and hope that you had a pleasing Christmas and a good start into the new year anyway.

Now we hope to resume to the old and proven procedure of weekly updates. For today, we have the first ingame shots of a scout car, that got its name from the Dingo, a type of Australian wild dog, which was probably descended from the Indian wolf. Like its namesake, the Dingo Scout car was small, tough, could go anywhere and not be easily noticed. With a top off-road speed of 88 km/h, you will be long gone before the Germans realize your were even there. Now take a seat and enjoy the ride...



That's all for today folks. We hope you enjoyed the update and we would like to invite you to Visit our public forums to discuss this update. Hope to see you at the next update!

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